(music begins to "Invitation")
NARRATOR: It's an amazing concept, isn't it? That we can come just as we are
. . . to the cross. You don't have to wait until you're "ready" to come
to Jesus. He certainly didn't wait for us to straighten our lives out
before He went to the cross. Even though we were sinners, Christ died
for us. (pause) So we want to offer an invitation right now, for anyone who wants to begin a relationship with Jesus as Savior. It's very
simple; the Bible tells us we must do two things to be saved: speak
with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and believe in your
heart that God raised Him from the dead. That's it. It's that simple.
So, right now, I want you to ask yourself if you truly believe that God
raised Jesus from the dead. If that answer is yes, and you want to
move forward into salvation, then repeat this prayer after me:
"Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. (pause as it is repeated)
I know that I have fallen short of Your standard, (repeated)
and that the price for my sin is death. (repeated)
But I also know that You died to redeem my life, (repeated)
and that You rose from the dead (repeated)
so that I could also have victory over the grave. (repeated)
Be my Savior. (repeated)
Be my Lord. (repeated)
I surrender my heart to You. (repeated)
In Jesus' Name, (repeated)
Amen." (repeated)
(music begins to "The Gospel Changes Everything [Reprise]")
For those who just prayed that prayer, you are now a new creation.
You've been born again. And all of us in this place welcome you into
the family of God! Hallelujah!