New Christmas Musicals

The Inn Crowd by Lee and Susan Dengler

Christmas Musicals for Church

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& b 52 ∑ œ j œ œ j œ star of won der, ∑ rit. œ j œ œ j œ star of won der, a tempo - - & b 56 . œ œ j œ star so rit. . ˙ bright. a tempo . ˙ rit. ∑ U 33 44685 JOSEPH: CHILD: INNKEEPER: WOOL SALESMAN: CELEBRITY: TAX COLLECTOR: INNKEEPER: JOSEPH: INNKEEPER: MARY: [Innkeeper leads Mary and Joseph to the stable.] CHILD: WOOL SALESMAN: GUESTS: WOOL SALESMAN: GUESTS: CELEBRITY: GUESTS: CELEBRITY: GUESTS: TAX COLLECTOR: Excuse me, sir. We are looking for a place to stay. Wow! Two more guests! Where are we going to put them? Don't ask me! [Snooty] You'll have to go somewhere else. There simply is no more room in this inn for someone of your type. [Snooty] There's not really enough room for all of us. I was counting on getting the Penthouse Suite. [Irritable] There was barely enough food for all of us at dinner. I'm truly sorry, but they are right. There's no more room in the inn. We have come so far; and as you can see, my wife is in no condition to be traveling. I don't know what to do. Well, I do have a stable out back. You would have to share it with my sheep and cattle, but you are welcome to use it. It's all I have to offer. Thank you, kind sir. That will be fine. Wow! They're going to sleep in the stable? HUH! You certainly would not catch ME sleeping in a stable. A person of my station in life has to pay attention to appearances. After all, I am the owner of the largest wool company in Judea! [Together, in unison] Wow! Ooh! Ah! Impressive! No siree! F.W. Woolworth does NOT sleep in a barn! [Together, in unison] Yes, he's got a point! Absolutely! HA! Perhaps you people have not recognized me, or maybe you're just in awe of my fame. You must know that I'm Rock Starling, winner of "Israel's Got Talent." [Together, in unison] Wow! Ooh! Ah! Impressive! When I was still working at the rock quarry, I might have considered sleeping in a barn. But now, I'm one of the beautiful people. [Together, in unison] Yes, he's got a point! Absolutely! Let's face it folks! There are the "haves" and the "have-nots," and we are the "haves." I run the RIRS…you know, the Roman Internal Revenue Service. And there is NO way I'm going to get shabby treatment! For Preview Only

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