Lent/Easter Musicals

Hope in the Shadows by Joel Raney & Lloyd Larson

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/759990

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Hope in the Shadows - Narrations 80 Narrations 1 Prologue (All seven candles are lit during the narration) Shadows are created when something obstructs a light source. We have all stood in shadows longing for the warmth and radiance of the nearby light. In this hour as we again navigate the rugged path to the cross, stepping in and out of the shadows of its sacred story, let us be reminded that Jesus is a light to all people that darkness cannot overcome. For it is in Christ alone that our hope is found. He is the source of everlasting light, our strength, and our song. Jesus Christ is our eternal hope in the shadows leading to the cross. 2 The Shadow of Betrayal The journey to the cross actually began with a joyful celebration when Jesus en- tered the city of Jerusalem, but the scene changed quickly. As Jesus and his dis- ciples gathered to dine and celebrate the Passover, Jesus knew that there was a shadow in their midst. Even as he poured the wine, he knew that Judas was only hours from betraying him. Even as he broke the bread, he knew that Peter would deny him three times that very evening. And even as they shared their last meal together, the shadow of betrayal was there, darkening that upper room. (1st candle is extinguished) 3 The Shadow of Agony After finishing the meal and singing a hymn together, Jesus and his disciples went to a place called Gethsemane, where he asked his friends to keep watch while he prayed. Alone, in the quiet shadows of the garden, Jesus struggled with the grim prospect of the fatal trial to come. He begged his Father to relieve him of his burden but knew that there was no way he could be spared the agony of his destiny. (2nd candle is extinguished) 4 The Shadow of Temptation The road to the cross was marked by temptation and guilt. Jesus challenged his disciples to pray that they not fall into temptation. Yet for 30 pieces of silver, Judas was tempted to betray Jesus. To save himself, Peter was tempted to deny that he knew his teacher and friend. These and so many instances foreshadowed the words of Jesus soon to be spoken from the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (3rd candle is extinguished) For Preview Only

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