Lent/Easter Musicals

Jesus Changed Everything by Mark Brymer and Jennie Lee Riddle

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/97569

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When Jesus was born on this earth, he INDEED changed everything, because every one he met did sense within Him, a great light, a prince of peace, and an everlasting Father. (2nd Verse-Chorus) R FO Clothed in rainbows of living color othed flashes of lightning rolls of thunder Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be u on to You the only wise king. 4:09 IE EV PR oly Holy holy holy d al Is the Lord God alm gh almighty d and who was and is a d is to c come With all creation I sing ngs. Praise to the King of kings. Holy holy You are holy Holy holy You are holy 2) This Changes Everything W Dialog #3: (1st Verse ���Chorus ) I grew up in a little town Used to sing in the old church house There in the pew where I used to hide I learned the story 'bout the man who died. LY N O Male: Jesus was and IS the light to this world, and a beacon of God���s grace to all who acon f God��� ys ays walk on this earth, have EVER come in contact with Him. . . Not only in the days He wa walked but still today. . . humble beg begin Female: Yes, as amazing as it sounds, a lowly babe, from such humble beginnings, (Music Begins) went on to change the world, Yes, Jesus went on. . . to change . . . .everything. Well I was sure I heard that He got back up But as we broke the bread and drank the cup Jesus Changed Everything-Easter Musical- HLC/Brymer 2

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