Narration #7
As We Bow Before the King
Narrator #1: At Christmas, we give presents to our friends and family. The first Christmas
gi s were offered by the wise men. Ma hew 2:11 describes the scene: "They fell down,
and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him
gi s - gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."
So we are following the example of the Magi as we offer our gi s of worship to Christ.
But how can we bring gi s to the Child? When Jesus was a man, He said, "When you offer
to the least of these, My brethren, you offer it unto Me." As the choir begins singing, we
invite you to bring your gi s for those in need as a gi to Christ and to His brothers and
sisters.* May all our gi -giving become an act of adora on and worship, an offering to the
Lord, as we come to adore Him.
*Sugges on: Customize this to your situa on, perhaps explaining the offering and where it
will go. This may be an opportunity to bring canned goods or to support whatever ministry
you have chosen. For those who don't have an item, they may bring monetary offerings.
Another op on would be to simply take an offering for the needy during this me.