Narration #6
We Have Seen the Star!
(Sugges on: At the end of the first narra ve by Narrator #1, you may light a star on the top
of a tree or a separately hung Moravian star. Another op on would be to add a star to the
table. In either case, the narra on should con nue without a pause)
Narrator #1: When we truly discover the love of Christ and receive that love into our
hearts, a quiet joy lives in us. For all who seek will surely find. All who find will experience
great joy.
Narrator #2: We remember the Wise Men who followed the star in search of the Christ
child. They yearned to find Him so they could worship the Child. The scripture says, "…and
when they saw the star, they rejoiced with great joy."
Narrator #1: (music begins) The image of the star gives us hope. The star encourages our
spirits and our hearts as it lights the way to the newborn King. When we come into the
presence of Christ, we also rejoice with great joy. We are filled with adora on and cele-
bra on as we press forward to worship Christ, the newborn King.