New Christmas Musicals

The Sailor's Bible by Tom S. Long and Allen Pote complete

Christmas Musicals for Church

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16 ALL: (groan) STORYTELLER 3: Sorry folks. They're not gonna get any better. STORYTELLER 4: Noah and his family went right to work. (NOAH, MRS. NOAH and FAMILY mime building a boat on stage left as the rest of the CAST moves upstage and makes construction noises—sawing, hammering, drilling, etc.) STORYTELLER 3: And pretty soon, their neighbors started to wonder what was going on. (NEIGHBORS step down right and call to MR. and MRS. NOAH on stage left.) NEIGHBOR 1: Hey Noah, what the heck are you doing? NOAH: You like it? It's our new boat. NEIGHBOR 2: You're building a boat...a hundred miles from the ocean? MRS. NOAH: Well, it's a hundred miles now, but wait till it starts raining. NEIGHBOR 3: Let me get this straight. You think it's gonna rain so hard, this...great big homemade thing here is gonna float? NOAH: That's what God said. NEIGHBOR 4: Ohhh, your God told you to do it. Well, that's different then. NEIGHBOR 1: Yeah. They're not stupid. NEIGHBORS They're crazy! 1, 2, 3, and 4: (NEIGHBORS all laugh.) NEIGHBOR 1: (to NOAH'S family) I gotta ask—do you all agree with Momma and Poppa Fruitcake here? NOAH'S FAMILY: (ALL ad lib agreement) NEIGHBOR 2: That's amazing—an entire family tree...that produces nuts. (NEIGHBORS all laugh again.) STORYTELLER 4: And with that, the neighbors really began to make fun of Noah. (In the following song, the CHORUS may sing along with NOAH, his FAMILY, and the NEIGHBORS.) For Preview Only

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