New Christmas Musicals

The Sailor's Bible by Tom S. Long and Allen Pote complete

Christmas Musicals for Church

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& ? b b 17 ˙ ˙ b b > ˙ ˙ n n > w w æ FIRST MATE: Yo ho! SAILORS: Heave hoooo!! œ œ > œ œ n n > œ œ > œ œ # # > w w æ (They pretend to toss JONAH out of the boat. He drops behind the "waves" and is hidden from the audience.) w w w w # # U æ w w æ U f STORYTELLER 6: And immediately the storm... œ œ œ œ # # ^ Œ Ó U œ œ ^ Œ Ó U STORYTELLERS 5 AND 6: ...stopped! 52 STORYTELLER 5: Until finally, the sailors had to take hold of Jonah... (SAILORS stop rowing and take hold of JONAH) ...and throw him overboard! STORYTELLER 5: Now that would have been the end of Jonah right there. STORYTELLER 6: But just then, God gave a command and the prophet was swallowed by a whale! STORYTELLER 5: (to STORYTELLER 6) Actually, the Bible says it was a huge fish. STORYTELLER 6: What's the difference? STORYTELLER 5: (moving toward STORYTELLER 6) Well, for one thing, a whale isn't a fish. It's a mammal. STORYTELLER 6: (moving toward STORYTELLER 5) Who cares? STORYTELLER 5: It's important to be accurate. This is scripture after all. STORYTELLER 6: (annoyed) Yeah, but it's not a science lesson. It's a story about grace and forgiveness. STORYTELLER 5: (correcting STORYTELLER 6) It's a story about truth and obedience. (By this point, the two STORYTELLERS have met in the center of the stage.) STORYTELLER 6: (growing angrier) Grace and forgiveness! STORYTELLER 5: (arguing back) Truth and obedience! STORYTELLER 6: (shouting) Forgiveness!! STORYTELLER 5: (shouting back) Obedience!! CAST 1: (crossing to come between the STORYTELLERS) Stop! Stop! (The STORYTELLERS fall silent, glowering at each other.) You can't argue like that in front of this audience. STORYTELLER 5: Why not? For Preview Only

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