Lent/Easter Musicals

Something's Fishy by Ruth Elaine Schram

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/420984

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2 NARRATION The following narration can be used if performing Something's Fishy! as a complete musical, or used to introduce the songs when used individually. It can be read or memorized by one speaker or many more. Divide the lines in whatever way best suits your resources and performance approach. SOMETHING'S FISHY! INTRODUCTION/OVERTURE (Use this optional brief musical introduction as an "Overture" as the children assemble on risers, etc.) INTRODUCTION ONE: We are here to celebrate the great diversity Of every creature God designed, including you and me! Our God's imagination is incredible and huge, With something in every size, every color, every hue. We'll start with ocean creatures; like the octopus and prawn. Look deep, and you will see, something fishy's going on! SONG ONE: SOMETHING FISHY'S GOING ON INTRODUCTION TWO: The universe is filled with things that we can't even see; Planets, stars, and asteroids, and far-flung galaxies. But any place you could imagine; our God has already been; Even though space has no beginning and no end! Creation is full of wonders, in the sea, the land, the air; But our God is so big; there is nothing to compare. SONG TWO: SO BIG INTRODUCTION THREE: Even though our God's SO big, He loves us all so much; He knew we'd need a Savior, so He sent His only Son. He came to Earth by humble birth and grew to be a Man, He taught us truths in parables to help us understand. There are fruits we need to find, of the Spiritual kind, And so we look at sowing seeds the way the Lord designed. SONG THREE: SEEDS AND SOIL AND SUCH INTRODUCTION FOUR: In this great big world of ours, there's much to be enjoyed, Like the skiing slopes of Aspen, or the beaches of St. Croix; Like all the food that grows and all the meals that God provides: Pizza, or spaghetti, with a salad on the side! But, to have the bounty of the harvest, we will need Some sunshine and some rain, a little cold, a little heat. But whatever the weather, we're sure to be all right, Because God is watching over us every day and every night. For Preview Only

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