Lent/Easter Musicals

In the Big Inning by David Guthrie, Rob Howard and Cyndi Nine

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/423281

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Page 12 of 70

(rapid fire) KID 3: Can of corn. KID 4: Easy catch. KID 3: Meatball. KID 4: Easy pitch to hit. KID 3: Pickle. KID 4: Rundown. KID 3: Hot dog. KID 4: Show off. KID 3: Mustard. KID 4: High velocity. Listen, I'm getting hungry! KID 3: And I don't get this game. KID 4: Come on, it's baseball! There's nothing like this game! SONG: "THERE'S JUST NOTHING LIKE THIS GAME" 12 For Preview Only

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