Scene 3
SHERRY: (she rolls up her sleeves, picks up the ball) So kids, what do you
think made those people worthy of being put in God's Hall of
SAM: They were super heroes of the Bible?
JENNA: They were heavy hitters …
JAMIE: … that never struck out.
MILLIE: I would guess they were people that had "All-Star" quality.
SHERRY: Yes, I guess you could say they were "All Stars," but they all
were just ordinary people that God used in a mighty way. In the
Bible, in Hebrews 11, they were all singled out for their faith. Do
you know what faith is?
RYAN: Well, Millie says that I should have faith that we can beat the
Knights, so I guess faith is believing in the impossible!
SHERRY: Well actually, the kind of faith that all of these Hall of Faithers
had was really this: they listened to what God told them, they
took Him at His Word, and they obeyed what He told them to
do. Want to take a look? Jake, why don't you take out a card.
Who is it?
JAKE: (taking out a card) Let's see … it's Noah.
RYAN: Who's he?
LUCAS: I got this one … big boat, lots of animals, rain. That guy?
SHERRY: Yes, when Noah stepped on the scene, something very big
happened. I know, you guys have a seat. Maybe I can explain
this to a bunch of baseball lovers in a way that will make this a
bit more interesting … there it was, the top of the first inning,
and the game started out like a walk in the park …
SFX 2: "Shall We Gather at the River & Charge"
… quickly, the game turned ugly. But God wouldn't give up on
His game plan, and He began to work through regular people.
He called them to believe Him, to have faith, and then stand
back and watch what He would do!