Lent/Easter Musicals

In the Big Inning by David Guthrie, Rob Howard and Cyndi Nine

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/423281

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Page 50 of 70

Scene 6 SHERRY: Jesus came from heaven, became a man, lived a perfect life, then died on the cross to pay for all of our sins. Then, He rose again from the dead, so that all who trust in Him can be made alive forever. LUCAS: But we'll never be Hall of Faithers, right? That's just the superstars of the Bible. SHERRY: Didn't you tell me that Jake is the best hitter and best pitcher around? And the Johnson sisters the best shortstop, second base tandem anywhere? LUCAS: They sure are! SHERRY: So, even though they don't play for the Knights, they're still awesome, right? MILLIE: Yeah! SHERRY: Well, the Hall of Faithers in Hebrews 11 were just regular people, but what made them special is that when they had faith in God, God used them to do amazing things. The thing is, God isn't finished with His game plan. He's still looking for players who will take Him at His Word, do what He says, then stand back and watch Him do amazing things. SAM: Are you saying we could be Hall of Faithers? SHERRY: I think the game is still on! From "in the beginning" to "in the big inning" with Jesus at the cross, God has been keeping His promises and turning regular people into Hall of Faithers. RYAN: This sounds like a team I want to be on. How can I "sign up"? (music begins to "For All Who Call upon His Name") SHERRY: Ryan, we need to listen to God, believe His Word, and respond to Him. It's like this … SONG: "FOR ALL WHO CALL UPON HIS NAME" 50 For Preview Only

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