pilate's court
the gospel narrative:
They took Jesus before the high priest, where he was questioned and
many witnesses testified against him. Now Peter had followed them and
waited in the courtyard. "Aren't you one of his disciples?" a servant girl
asked. But he denied it. Then another saw him and said, "You are not
one of the disciples, are you?" Peter denied it again. Finally, a servant of
the high priest said, "Didn't I see you with him in the olive grove?" Peter
swore at him and said, "I don't know the man!" Immediately a rooster
crowed. Peter remembered the words of Jesus and wept bitterly.
The chief priests decided to put Jesus to death, and the guards took him
and beat him. Very early in the morning they handed him over to Pilate,
the governor. It was the custom at the Feast to release a prisoner of the
crowd's choosing. So Pilate took Jesus before them and asked, "Do you
want me to release the king of the Jews?" The crowd shouted, "No! Give
us Barabbas." Barabbas was in prison for taking part in a rebellion.
Then Pilate had Jesus whipped and beaten. The soldiers twisted together
a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple
robe, and mocked him, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!" Pilate returned
with Jesus, who was still wearing the crown of thorns and the purple
robe. He said, "I find no case against this man." As soon as they saw
Jesus, the people began to shout, "Crucify! Crucify!" Wanting to appease
them, Pilate handed him over for crucifixion.