New Christmas Musicals

In a Galilee Far, Far Away by Steve Moore, Rob Howard and David Guthrie

Christmas Musicals for Church

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Home for Christmas Arranged by Rob Howard Words and Music by ROB HOWARD MAGELLAN: ZIP: INFO: MAGELLAN: CREW: OTTO: POLO: OTTO: MAGELLAN: t & 4 4 6 55 12 & œ I 14 KIDS f wan na be, œ œ œ - & œI wan na be, - 16 Shuffle, with energy! q = 88 (swing 16ths) I'm sure you're all doing great. We're trying. We're making our own little Bethlehem in outer space. We are, but I still miss home. Hey! Let's decorate the whole ship! Okay! Alright! Yay! Where are you going, Mr. Polo? Getting my space suit! I'm gonna hang the outside lights! Where did I leave my hammer? Hammer?! Catch him before he goes out! No nails!! 2 ≈⋲ œ œ œ œ œ œ - - œ œ œ ≈⋲ œ œ œ œ œ œ - - & œhang the stock ings and de co ra tions and œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - - - - I real ly wan na be 7 I real ly wan na be home,œ home,œ œ œ - Œ Œ home for Christ mas. We'll œ œ œ œ œ ≈⋲ œ - e ven though they're a bit out dat ed that's œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ≈⋲ œ - © 2012 More Like This Music (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. EVEN IF YOU POSSESS A CCLI LICENSE, YOU MAY NOT COPY THIS MUSIC. If you want to learn more about recording or reproducing materials in this musical, visit the publisher's website at 19 - t 2 7 56 home for Christ mas. - œ œ œ œ œ ‰ Preview Copy

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