New Christmas Musicals

In a Galilee Far, Far Away by Steve Moore, Rob Howard and David Guthrie

Christmas Musicals for Church

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In A Galilee Far, Far Away Words by ROB HOWARD and DAVID GUTHRIE t 1564 & bbb 4 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 & bbb Œ & bbb Œ & bbb Œ & bbb & bbb & bbb œ Lord willœ isœ KIDS With excitement! q = 160 POLO: "Aye, aye, Captain." 4 In a Gal i f œ Gab ri œ "Mar y do not œ isœ con ceive œ theœ - œ œgreat - œ withœ œ œ œ youœ andœ andœ j œ j œ j œ - œ - œ elœ j - œ - the an œ œ leeœ œ j be hereœ j œ j bear œ j ho - œ j œ j œ j œ far, œ - j œ gelœ j ‰ far œa toœ œa lyœ © 2012 More Like This Music (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. EVEN IF YOU POSSESS A CCLI LICENSE, YOU MAY NOT COPY THIS MUSIC. If you want to learn more about recording or reproducing materials in this musical, visit the publisher's website at 27 cameœ œ j œ œ j j - - day.œ j fraid,œ j Œ Œ œ Œ j son, One."œ Ó œ -a way, œ to say, œ œ ‰ ‰ ‰ theœ j Youœ j Heœ j Arranged by Rob Howard ROB HOWARD Music by Preview Copy

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