Lent/Easter Musicals

Canticle of the Cross by Joseph M. Martin

Christmas Musicals for Church

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B O On nl lyy 12 NARRATION: vi ew As Jesus approached Jerusalem, He saw the great city and began to weep. This ancient city had known many tears in her long, troubled history. Her stone pathways were consecrated with the blood of martyrs, and her walls echoed the cries of a million prayers for deliverance. Now, as the Promised One drew near, the towering gates of the city flew open to receive her King. Crowds began to gather chanting, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." orr Pr P re Running ahead, the people laid their coats upon the road as a carpet of praise to the Deliverer. They took palm branches and waved them in adoration of their conquering King. This was the day they had long-awaited, and their celebration could be heard in the temple. "Hosanna," they cried, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" Fo F 1 CANTICLE OF THE CROSS - SATB

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