Narration 2
Narrator 1: As we prepare the way of the Lord, His light
will shine.
Narrator 2: The glory of the Lord is revealed...
Narrator 3: …and the presence of the Lord is in this place.
Narrator 2: As we gather, let us be still as God's presence fills
our hearts.
Narrator 1: For surely the Lord is in this place. Let us open our
hearts and breathe in the Spirit that lives and
moves among us.
Narrator 3: Lord, we stand ready as we wait to receive
the same hope, love, and joy that you placed in
the hearts of those who experienced the
first Christmas.
(begin music)
Narrator 2: As sure as you entered our world as a child so
many years ago, we invite you into our hearts to
live in us,
Narrator 1: live through us,
Narrator 3: Emmanuel, God with us.