Lent/Easter Musicals

11374290 - Candles of Grace

Christmas Musicals for Church

Issue link: https://read.jwpepper.com/i/1436166

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CANDLES OF GRACE - SATB 5 Narration: To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. This is a season for silence and shadows, a time for stillness and prayer. By candlelight we gather, affirming that we are a people who dwell in deep darkness. God sent His true light into the world, but the world did not recognize Him. Yet to all who do receive Him, to those who believe in His name, God has given the right to become His children of Light! We gather tonight to remember Christ's journey to the cross. We follow His trail of tears with heavy hearts and deep repentance. With each step the shadows grow deeper; yet, as we draw nearer to His sacred cross, the more truth is revealed. In the shadow of the cross, we will find our peace and our purpose. During this sacred time, may we linger with this treasured truth from scripture. Jesus, though He was God, did not cling to His rights as God. Instead, He emptied Himself and took the humble place of a servant and was born in the likeness of man. And being found in human form, He emptied Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Extinguish Candle #1. (Drape the organ and piano in black cloth and/or have the choir reverse/remove their vestments.)

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