A DIY Christmas © 2020 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved. Scene 3, page 2
MOM: (hugs all the kids lovingly) I love you kids. You bring so much joy into this family.
Hey, that gives me an idea! Taylor! Go get some paint brushes. Marcus, bring
whatever paint you can find. Alex! Find some drop cloths. And Gabbi, go get
some pencils!
(Kids start spouting random questions all at once, i.e. Why? What are we doing? What for? Are we
going to paint something?)
MOM: (interrupting kids chatter) Don't ask questions, it's a surprise!
(Cue "Getting Supplies" as Kids exit excitedly. Mom looks around and makes gestures while
scoping out the walls available for her surprise. Kids hurry back in excitedly with their
requested materials.)
MOM: Since we are going to paint over all these walls soon anyway, we might as well make
the most of our circumstances! You have my permission to draw or paint
whatever you'd like on the walls!
TAYLOR: Really?!
ALEX: This is crazy!
MARCUS: I've always wanted to paint a mural!!
GABBI: Holy cow Mom!!!
(Cue "Painting the Walls" as Kids mime painting on the walls. Kids interact with one another,
playing around, laughing, and enjoying painting—lights fade out as the music finishes.)