New Christmas Musicals

11397306 - A DIY Christmas

Christmas Musicals for Church

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A DIY Christmas © 2020 Celebrating Grace, Inc. All rights reserved. Scene 4 Scene 4 Sign bearer walks across stage with sign displaying date to audience: December 20 (Family enters and gathers around a folding table amidst the renovation mess. There is a microwave on the floor and they take turns microwaving freezer meals.) ALEX: Man, I am SO tired of microwave food. I never realized how awesome stoves were until now! Is this what it was like in the dark ages when you were growing up Dad? DAD: (laughs) Very funny. I'm not THAT old! But I agree, we will definitely appreciate being able to cook again soon. GABBI: How soon will things be back to normal? I really want to make Christmas cookies! DAD: I know sweetie, we're not sure how long it will take for the kitchen to be finished. Let's just be thankful that we have food to eat, even if it IS from the microwave. TAYLOR: When are we going to decorate for Christmas? It's only five days away! MARCUS: Yeah, and when are we going to get the tree? (looking around, concerned) And where are we going to put it? MOM: Well kids, it's looking like Christmas needs to be more simple than we expected this year. It doesn't make sense to get out all the decorations in the middle of this big project. There's really not much to decorate, and I can't see a place in here that the tree might fit. Maybe we can decorate the tree in the front yard? ALEX: Mom, that's not the same! TAYLOR: And it's not even green! MARCUS: And the squirrels might steal the ornaments! GABBI: And just think what the birds might do! (Kids make sounds of disgust or laugh, i.e. Eww! Gross. Yuck!) MOM: Well, those things are true… Hmm. What else could we do to celebrate the season? DAD: You know what? Just because we can't decorate the house, doesn't mean we can't spread some cheer in other ways! Let's go caroling! There's nothing better than sharing the joy and love of Christmas in song! Everyone go find a festive outfit and meet back here ASAP! GABBI: Can we have hot cocoa after? DAD: Of course! (Smiles and laughs as the kids excitedly run off) (aside to audience) Microwave hot cocoa! "Caroling Medley" (Family and Choir sing—Family travels from place to place around the audience as if caroling at different homes, lights out)

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