New Christmas Musicals

The Noel Critter Motel by Cabaniss & Schram

Christmas Musicals for Church

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& 2 2 4 Happily (h = ca. 92) & œ œ œ œ Fare well from the f ALL 5 œ œ œ œ Ti ny Bit of œ œ Œ œ Heav en Mo œ Œ Ó tel! œ œ œ œ œ Wel come to Mes - - - - - - & 10 œ œ œ œ œ si ah who's our œ œ œ œ Lord, Em man u œ Œ Œ œ el. For œ œ œ œ hope has come to 13 œ œ œ œ earth this day, and - - - - & 15 œ œ Œ œ all is œ Œ Œ œ œ well in our œ œ œ œ Ti ny Bit of œ œ Œ œ Heav en Mo œ Œ Ó tel. - - - & 20 ∑ ˙ . œ j œ Joy to the 21 * ˙ Œ œ world, the ˙ ˙ Lord has ˙ Œ œ come! Let 47 45943 TINY BIT OF HEAVEN (Reprise) with "Joy to the World" Music by MARK CABANISS and RUTH ELAINE SCHRAM © Copyright 2016 Candelaworks Music (ASCAP), a division of Jubilate Music Group, LLC. P.O. Box 3607, Brentwood, TN 37024. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. The publisher hereby grants non-transferable permission to reprint this vocal part for rehearsal and performance. The music must be reproduced with the title and all credits including the copyright notice. ANNIE: MAJOR MOO: DOVIE: MAJOR MOO: MELVIN: ANNIE: MAJOR MOO: ANNIE: CHOIR: [quickly grabbing her scroll and pen] Can I quote you on that? You bet! So Major Moo, does this mean we'll allow humans inside the motel from now on? You bet! The coming of Jesus here has shown even me that miracles can happen in unexpected places with unexpected people. Looks like your work is done here, Annie Lamb. That's right. But I have one more request. Yes? Can I hear that theme song one more time—for the road? With pleasure! * Tune: ANTIOCH, George Frederick Handel, 1685–1759 Words: Isaac Watts. 1674–1748 For Preview Only

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